Provides detailed analysis of your Wi-Fi environment. First name is required! Spectrum analyzer is small and portable. View All 6 Photos in Gallery. Our price is lower than the manufacturer's "minimum advertised price. Wi-Spy DBx is an extremely high performance spectrum analyzer which allows accurate troubleshooting of 2.

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MetaGeek Chanalyzer 5

Register today and let our wireless specialists solve your wireless projects for you — so you can stay focused on your core business.

Add the products of your choice to the shopping cart Enter your contact details and submit your request You will be notified by email with our price proposals You simply checkout and wait for your order Why do you need my contact details? How does this work? This shows you very specific information about your wireless environment.

Downloads — MetaGeek

With an extensive, hands-on background in deploying and manag I hope Metageek crushes the responsible bugs soon. This makes the Wi-Spy DBx a must for IT professionals or enthusiasts who want the best in spectrum analysis but still at an affordable chanalyzerr.

It can also create signal strength maps also known as heat maps. Discovering a transmitting device is as easy as selecting a frequency range in Chanalyzer and following a line.

You have no items in your shopping cart. I suppose that would defeat the purpose of analyzing the spectrum, but it makes working with the hcanalyzer feature a little confusing at first. Request your Quote Enter your details for a free and no obligation price proposal.

I had to close and relaunch Chanalyzer to get data back into Network Tables. Stunning wireless data visualization. Chanalyzer is an extensive software application that utilizes radio frequency data from Wi-Spy DBx to provide you with a real-time visual overview of your WiFi network environment.

As it is, however, Wi-Spy is a must-have if you do wireless site surveys and are looking for a relatively affordable utility.

Aside from these few snafus, using the software was a great experience. There are multiple versions of Chanalyzer with varying prices. Newsletter Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Interferers—another tabbed view within the Details pane—is impressive, showing all the possible causes of RF interference on your network, such as Bluetooth and IR devices, cordless phones, headsets, etc.

This is useful, because it lets you take a baseline of what's going on with your Wi-Fi and compare that with sessions you record at peak usage hours. More From Samara iCPooch. Our price is lower than the manufacturer's "minimum advertised price.

This is annoying enough in a home environment, but wireless slowdowns can be serious productivity and morale killers in a Wi-Fi-heavy business. Designed for the enterprise environment, Wi-Spy DBx is able to analyze all access points using Click on one of the other tabs to change the view: If you need to face a repeated wireless challenge our wireless specialists and range of wireless services are at your disposal.

On the side of the screen is a view called Waterfall Navigation, where you can view and control recording the Wi-Fi data. You may unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time. Important data isn't being transferred, people can't get their tasks done, and the workplace grinds to a halt. People can get online from any location, stay connected via mobile devices, and eliminate cables and wires.

Wi-Spy DBx is an extremely high performance spectrum analyzer which allows accurate troubleshooting of 2. Details Wi-Fi has revolutionized the way we work.

For example, blue means infrequent transmissions and red means high utilization and is a sign that that transmission is causing a lot of RF interference. Of course, using the Cisco mode is optimal if Cisco access points are deployed on your network. WiFiBuilder is also a little more complicated, however, and I'll go with carrying a USB adapter over an access point any day!


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